
Since February 01, 2023, we have resumed the possibility of payment and delivery outside the Russian Federation, the list of countries to which delivery is carried out can be viewed when placing an order. The average speed of delivery by the transport company is 10-27 working days. Payment is possible only on our website, when placing an order, two payment methods will be available by card and paypal . When paying with Paypal, you will be redirected to your personal account where you can complete the payment. When paying by card, an additional form will be opened where you need to fill in the country, city, email, phone and address. Open the form editor, check the data, in the State/Region column, if there is no data, write "None". Paypal money transfer by our email WILL NOT WORK

Phone number\Whatsapp +7 (919) 960-30-00


Working hours Online sale 24\7

IE Didkovsky E.A.

TIN 771672344833

A/C 40802810938000192589

Bank PJSC Sberbank, Moscow

C/A 30101810400000000225

OGRNIP 312774623601072

BIK 044525225

Address 129336, Russian Federation, Moscow, Startovaya St., 18, building 7.